Little dog has been trying to redeem himself.
He's been overly snuggly and cute. He insisted on sitting on my lap while I was spinning.
It's a bit awkward.
I finished the new etsy roving.
I want to navajo ply it, but I want someone to take pictures for me while I ply.
So I can demonstrate navajo plying, you know?
We hit REI's big fall sale yesterday, along with about 8,000 similarly minded shoppers. (Only a slight exaggeration, mind you.)
Honestly, the line to pay was way back into the merchandise area.
Recession? What recession?
Girl of the House got her new winter jacket. She insists on growing. Not fair! I've been wearing my winter jacket since 2000.
Maybe I need to grow, too?
Maybe not.
Anyway, let's move on to the real point of the jacket picture.
Notice it matches the blue in the roving? The inside trim of the jacket is chocolately brown.
It seems she is doomed to receive handspun accessories.
Details are in place for the delivery of more roving in the near future. Four ounces only goes so far, you know.
Paul and I took the dogs out for a hike in the Carleton Arboretum this afternoon.
The sun broke through from time to time, and there was no wind. It was a good day for a hike. We went 4.75 miles. (We're GPS junkies. I could tell you our average speed, too, if you like?)
Beavers are at work. These stumps appeared to be freshly beaver chewed.
They're working on bigger trees across the river.
Even beavers have big dreams.
The hike sounds like a lot of fun. My grandparents go geocaching and use a GPS for it, but I've never used a GPS outside of a car. Well, I was able to test out a fitness watch once, but that's about it. I love packing a light lunch and heading out. If only I could get Matt to go with me.
Loving what you spun up. Can't wait to see the end results.
Cute coat too.
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