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We've been soccer parenting like crazy.
Six games in seven days.
Tonight we didn't have ANY soccer. Ahhh, take a break.
After a leisurely grilled supper, Paul and I took a walk in the arb with the dogs.
There are more new prairie flowers and even some berries. It's good to step back once in awhile.
rather than another truck (more practical for living in the country), I'd get a Mini painted up like this one!
Way cool.
From The Church of the Flying Spaghetti MonsterA happy weekend to you all - we'll be soccer tournamenting.
I rode bicycle to work the past two days. The internets said it would be nice. They (mostly) lied.
Finally, today when I came out of the hospital, the sun was shining. YAY for spring, even if it is June 11! It was actually 70 degrees.You know it's been a long spring when you put on capri tights to bike in, and you can feel your hair blowing in the breeze. Yeah, my leg hair. I'll spare you the picture. It wasn't really that long, but I could certainly feel it this afternoon! Luckily, it's blonde and not that obvious to the casual passerby.
Let's just say it's been a long cold winter...
Anyway - this morning, going across the bridge down the hill, I spotted an eagle. I only had Girl of the House's little camera with me, but I got a quick picture.

It was a great start to the day.
Paul and Girl of the House left at 0500 this morning, driving to Red Lodge, Montana.
They're headed to a week of ski camp with the high school ski team at Red Lodge. The team is caravaning out with the adult chaperones driving their own vehicles.
It's a 13-14 hour drive, but Paul was certain it would be easier than our usual ski trip drives. "At least we shouldn't drive through snow."
Yeah, so look at the weather map in North Dakota. No-one to blame but himself - he jinxed it.
He texted me me from Bismarck. "Snow is visible on the grass. 34 degrees."
I checked the weather. They are expecting 2-4 inches of snow on grassy areas in Dickinson.
June 6. "At least we shouldn't drive through snow."
After a year of being on the waiting list, we are IN!

I picked up the first installment of our CSA (Community Supported Ag) allotment Wednesday, on my way home from work. (Another cool thing - the farm is on my route between the hospital and home. I can watch this stuff grow all summer!)
There were tons of fresh greens, some for salads, and some for cooking. Some spicy greens and some mild greens. There were fresh scallions and garlic, and the nifty white things that resemble radishes, but aren't radishes.
I'm going to have to take notes when she explains what everything is so I can tell Paul and GotH what they're eating. It all made sense when she explained the veg, and they were labeled. But I don't remember what they all are!

I can't remember what she said the greens with the flowers are, but I DO remember that they are for stir-fry, and the flowers are supposed to be included. Now, that'll be a change for us!Thanks to Open Hands Farm!
Several inches into Bekky's sweater, I realize it's going to be too small. She's a tiny little thing, but this would have been a very snug fit.

So I battle again with my old nemesis - gauge.
I'd been using the size five needles called for in the pattern. I believe I'll have to go up to a size seven to accommodate my loose knitting.
Goodbye sweater number one. Here's hoping there is only a sweater number two; not a number three, or a number four.
I've been gradually plugging away, washing the Coopworth fleece.
It has a wonderfully long staple,
and washes up a beautiful soft white.
Girl of the House has a soccer problem. She's addicted, I think.
She got a last minute call this evening. "Can you play up with our team? We're short several players." They literally discovered they were short when they turned up at the soccer field.
She threw on her soccer duds, and we were off to the game. Luckily, it was a home game!
She has practice Tuesday evening, she'll play up with the U14 team again Wednesday evening, she's off to a game in Rochester on Thursday, and practice Friday evening.
It's gotta be love.