It snowed for several hours Saturday morning. Actually built up on the deck, but it melted on the grass. Deer hunters are out - we heard several shots close by. A doe came across the yard, limping. Her front leg had been shot, but she was still going strong. Maybe she'll heal, and be a mate for the big three legged buck that we see frequently...
Last evening I finished a quick little chemo cap. A friend asked me to make up a few hats for one of her recently diagnosed friends. It's knitted from some stash yarn I received a few years ago - I have no clue of the content, but boy, it's soft!
Plan today is to continue to prepare the house for Thanksgiving dinner. You know, put junk away that's been sitting out for so long that you don't even see it anymore, REALLY dust, spot clean the carpet (darn puppy!), clean the nose prints off the sliding glass door (darn puppy!), etc... We're having between 16-18 people to dinner.
We're also going to do a little geocaching. Hey, we hid our first geocache yesterday! It's published, and I'll bet someone finds it today. Now beside finding others, we have our own to maintain. (Well, we got kinda excited about it!!!)
Such lovely yarn. Any thoughts on how you want to use it?
I'm so thankful our woods are city parkland and hunters don't have access. I'm not against hunting - I just don't want to witness it.
Here is the crochet scrubber link you asked for:
It has a whole bunch of patterns. I'm making up my own but may still try a few of these, too. I'm all over the spectrum with my crafting right now.
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