I've been working on the Rambling Rows afghan. I try to do one square everyday, then pick up Cobblestone. I've been so busy lately, the afghan is all I really get to.
We're having our work party on Dec 3, and I need to start knitting the gift for the name I drew. Next weekend, we go to Luther for a big Christmas concert. I anticipate lots of knitting time in the car. Yeah, wait til the last minute - bad idea, I know.
We went to a local auction on Saturday. It was cold and windy, and not many people turned out. We saw items going for amazingly low prices. The mission oak rocker, bookshelf, and blanket chest that we were sure would go for high prices, went only into the $200 range. However, one Red Wing crock went for $11,000! (Wish I'd had a photo of THAT!)
We did pick up a few things. I've been looking for a small chair for spinning. I found several at the auction, and purchased this one for $5. It's just perfect with my wheels, and the Girl of the House has laid claim to it for any other time. I plan to recover the seat. Wouldn't it be cool with a fabric I spin and weave myself?
Ooooh, plans for after the holidays!
As the auction went on, people got frozen and left. There were bargains galore.
Some I just couldn't resist.
I bought two complete sets of china. One for $2.50, and one for $5. After the holidays, we'll use one set for our daily dishes. Obviously, we won't have to worry about breaking them!
I tried to look them up on the 'net. The one on the right was made in 1940. Haven't found the other set yet.
The final purchase of the day - perhaps quite foolish - yet irresistible.
A dining room set. Four chairs, a table, and this china cabinet from the 1950s. I'll put the cabinet in my craft area - lots of good storage space. Eventually, Ben will need a table and chairs, and he can take the set. Now, get this - $5. Like I said - good deals!
Four hours in the cold wind, and we spent $50. Cheap entertainment...
Later in the afternoon, Paul and Ben went out to chop wood for our fireplace. Warmed 'em right up.
Lucky you! I wish we had auctions like that around here. It sounds like fun.
I LOVE the idea of the handspun, handwoven chair seat. What a great idea for your spinning chair.
I need a small, portable seat for my spinning wheel. I'm on the hunt...
What fun! All those treasures for only $50. Love the action wood splitting shot.
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