Finally got us one of those new-fandangled mixers. We killed off the old mix-master.
We got a good tip on where to buy a nice mixer for a reasonable price (thanks Coleen!) and bit the bullet. Now we feel like we're on the Martha Stewart show!
However, for those of you who have one of these big old beasts of a mixer, a question. Where do you keep your mixer? It's too tall for my lower cabinets, and it's WAY too heavy to lift into an upper cabinet. It's too tall to fit on the countertop under the upper cabinets by a hair. The pantry? Then where do I put the food?! So, for now, it's just out on the countertop.
Girl of the House is becoming the master of it, and we're eating cookies and fresh bread. Yay for dough hooks!!
The Kauni cardigan has one whole sleeve!
I'm crocheting the other steek and picking up the stitches for the other sleeve this evening.
(We just returned from the Alpine Ski team banquet for GotH, so there's not that much time...)
The merino/alpaca/silk is plied and skeined. I didn't try to match up the two bobbins - just plied as it came.
I rather like the randomness of the color.
Ok, your knitting is AWESOME... but.... what is the tip on getting a good price on a mixer. I have wanted one for years. And I mean YEARS. I just have the whole Mom guilt and can't bring myself to spend that much money on myself.
Share the tip Woman!
HA HA HA!! Great minds think alike, right? I've been saving for one of these mixers (I'm a huge baker/bread maker) and I think I may be getting mine in time for Mother's Day. ANd yeah! Share the tip! (We're on Craig's list at the moment).
I got my mixer as an anniversary gift a few years ago. Mr. Daisy has a love affair with gadgets and with cooking - he's a keeper.
I keep my mixer on the open bottom shelf of my kitchen island next to the big pasta pot, the cannisters of sugar, flour and pretzels, the whole wheat flour and the lunch boxes. Not pretty but workable.
The attachments for these mixers are really cool as well!
Does that kitchen store at Medford still do the refurb ones? Awesome!
We messed up when we redid our kitchen in SF. We were going to have it on a lift shelf to the right of the kitchen sink but didn't measure the mixer so the cabinet was too small. So we kept it in the tall utility next to the dining room. The kitchen in ATL will be appropriately measured and designed!
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