Sunday, January 18, 2009

It must be spring!

Saturday morning when we woke up, it was 54 degrees warmer than the morning before. It's amazing how warm 22 degrees above zero can feel.

Today Paul and I went snowshoeing in the arboretum. It was snowing lightly, and it was a treat to be outside.

Down by the river we saw an eagle, hanging above the water, just waiting to see his dinner.

He flew a short distance up the river and met his mate.

We are very lucky to have eagles in our immediate area.

The open water of the river keeps them here year round.

(Unfortunately, the open water is from the Northfield city sewer treatment plant.)
Well, whatever works, I guess?

We saw the first robins of 2009.

Usually you don't see them in Minnesota til spring. Guess this means spring is here!

From -32 to spring. YAY!

Girl of the House traded in all her saved allowance money and her birthday money to purchase a Wii.

We picked it up today, and she's been very active.

You gotta love a video game you don't sit down for, don't you?

We don't buy video games for our kids. However, they are allowed to buy them with their own money. (But we still put pretty restrictive rules on video game time.)


coleen~ said...

Way cool on the wii. One must know that you must travel with your remotes....bring yours down to Atlanta with you!!!

Guinifer said...

It's fun to watch the kids play their wii - goofy guys.

coleen~ said...

hey, that camera is AWESOME!!! loved how you zoomed into the robins!