Thursday, October 30, 2008


Girl of the House has gone on a seventh grade field trip to Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center in Lanesboro, MN. She'll be back Friday afternoon.

That leaves just the two of us, home alone with my cold. (hack, hack, atchoo)

However, last evening we managed some nice grilled t-bones and a bottle of cabernet sauvignon. YAY for grown up suppers!

I did some spinning.

This is the freshly dyed roving. The bits of yellow, have definitely turned green.

I carded up the Coopworth dyed in the left-over dye.

I ran it through the carder only twice. I want it to be very heathered.

There's nearly five ounces. But it's a very short staple, with lots of second cuts. It'll make a textured yarn, fun for something quick and non-fussy.

I really wish I could remember where I got this white Coopworth. I wouldn't buy it again. Maybe it was free?! That might account for the quality.
Dang, why can't I remember?!

1 comment:

Guinifer said...

Funny! DH went hunting today and I plan on a Ribeye and Pinot for dinner! (The Boys will share the Ribeye.)