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Here's the dyed rovings, dried on the line.

This was a pound of punta top (the same fiber Brown Sheep uses to spin some of its yarn) from Detta's Spindle.
Divided by 'eyeballing' it. Final weight - 229 gms for the greens and blues, 103 for the orange/yellow, and 119 for the purple/blues. Not bad for a quick division, eh?

I couldn't resist, and put some of the purple/blues on the Suzie Pro.
Sat on the deck, spinning, while our supper of stuffed peppers baked.
Yup, still love this wheel!

The start of a garter stitch cuff hat for the Girl of the House.
This is from the BFL from Shepherd's Harvest, spun up back in May.
Man, I still LOVE this fiber!

Mostly chores around the house today, but I worked in a few fun things.
Some sun-dyeing.

I carded up some merino silk, dyed last summer.
(Yeah, I felted it a bit in the dyeing.)
I'd spun a little bit of it with a spindle before this. It was draftable, but just barely...
Laundry was done.
Lawn was mowed. Even the paths in the pasture...

We got the camper ready to go for the holiday weekend.
Truth be told, we haven't totally gotten it cleaned out from the trip to Padre Island in March.
There was still sand from the beach in all the cracks and crevices in the camper.
All the linen came out, had sand shaken out, was washed, and hung on the line to dry. (Yay, sun dryed sheets!)
Buy groceries some evening early this week, and we're ready. Yay! First camping trip this year. Between Paul's work schedule and Girl of the House's soccer, this is the first chance we've had. I am SO looking forward to this!!
I'm so glad to see the Girl of the House has the need to keep her hands busy, too.
Her dad is reading to her before bed. They're currently working on the Chronicles of Narnia series.

She started making lanyards at camp this year.
Yes, we need to mow the lawn. We were at soccer tournament both days this weekend...
I sat out on the deck last evening, in the beautiful weather, plying the spindled alpaca.
Finally, summer is here.
I ended up with 144 yards in 1 and 7/8 ounces. Roughly 1200 yards/pound. It's soft and fluffy, and it goes into the yarn basket. Once again, I have no project in mind for the yarn...
The hibiscus is blooming like crazy. There are 5 flowers on it this morning. I thought the hibiscus flowers only lasted a day, but a few of these have been open for three days. Girl of the House will be happy to see them when she returns from camp. (She chose the hibiscus for the deck.)
We spent Saturday with extended family at the lake home of Paul's brother, in early celebration of Father's Day.

There was plenty of good food, fun games, and visiting.
I even got some spinning done.
One of his brothers was pretty funny, holding up his hand and announcing the number of times I dropped the spindle. (And there were plenty!)
I finished the logwood dyed alpaca - the last two ounces are on this spindle. Now, just to ply it. It felt good to get some spinning done. There hasn't been enough fiber time this summer.

Girl of the House went off to Camp Pepin on Sunday. This will be her fifth year. She's excited to see her brother, the waterfront director at camp, too!
We had a sunny drive along Lake Pepin. After dropping her, Paul and I did five geocaches.

Then home to sit on the deck for the remainder of the evening.
Poof, before you know it, the moon is coming up.
An everpresent problem - too little weekend...

The hibiscus is getting ready to bloom.
It's a beautiful cool morning, and I'm off to work.
Well, heck....I just looked at my blog with my work PC. (Can't do that while I'm at work - it's blocked.)And it's quite different!The pictures are all over the place!!Nine times out of ten,, I've got all the pictures aligned on the left. Looks great on my little MacBook! Guess I need to check that out more often! Frankly, I had never even considered that was a possiblity.Yeah, that's kinda sad. Checking in on work on Sunday night. Does this mean I'm getting all grown up?Hey, if it's ugly - feel free to let me know! I want it to be pretty...
The Cannon River is running fast and high, nothing near the disastrous floods so many are stricken with, but still worth commenting on...
I run through the Carleton Arboretum. One of the paths I enjoy runs fairly close to the river.

This morning on my run, I came across a spot with its very own current!
The river was rushing through this area on its way to low ground.
The water came over my knees. It was go back, or go through.
We went through.
Rather, I went through, then went back for the dog and went through again.
I seem to have the only big black lab-cross that doesn't like water.
I took him off leash, thinking he would find his way across more easily without being tied.
So he stood back and watched. I could not verbally coax him across.
I went back, put him back on leash, and dragged him through.
Not sure what other breed he is, but obviously that breed doesn't like water!
(Cell phone pics - not so good, I know)
This is my salad spinner.
I wrap lettuce in a dishtowel, tie a few knots, take it out to the deck and spin it 'round and 'round.
A few years ago, I put the lettuce in a favorite vintage embroidered tea-towel. (Perhaps a bit too vintage.)
I went out to the deck and gave it a spin. There was a ripping noise, and the lettuce launched itself at great speed to the west, into the pasture. My salad quite literally became rabbit food. "Honey, what would you like instead of salad tonight?"

Here's how close the deck is to the pasture...
Do I have a real salad spinner? Why, yes I do. But I use it for spinning out fiber, dyed and undyed. One must have priorities...
My only fiber work lately has been the alpaca seaman's scarf, and that's been very sporadic.
Doesn't lace look less than impressive while it's in progress?
We've been chasing the Girl of the House around to soccer. Not many relaxing evenings at home.
We've got two weekend soccer tournaments coming up, and Paul is still working weekends.
July - yeah, July - we're definitely going camping in July!!
I didn't get in to SOAR this fall. I was waitlisted two years ago, and I've been waitlisted again. They had so many people sign up, they held a lottery for acceptance.
On one hand, it's very cool that there are that many spinners. On the other hand, I REALLY WANTED TO GO! I'm fourth in line for my class of choice. I'll wait a month or so and see if I get in - but I'm not counting on it.
(Maybe this means I'll have to hit some more fiber festivals and spend some of the money I've budgeted for SOAR!)