We were out before the rain began. We did two geocaches, then returned home and settled in as the rain began.
After being out in the cool overcast morn, we had a big brunch. Most Sundays at home, we have eggs benedict and Bloody Marys for brunch. Paul makes the BEST fried potatoes!
Today was another success.
Contributing to the success - the eggs I get from a coworker. Home grown, free range eggs - at a price lower than storebought!
Paul worked on more flooring finishing. He's to the point where it really is a one-person job.
I blocked Osterdalen.
After it's dry, I'll cut out the neckline, seam the shoulders, and sew in the sleeves.
Should be a fairly simple quick fix, don't you think?
Nope! More raveling was needed than I expected. And the alpaca was sticky and difficult to ravel.
About this point, after many heavy sighs, I changed my drink from a bottle of water to a beer. (It's five o'clock SOMEWHERE!)
Because I raveled more than I expected, I went searching for some leftover yarn.
Did I have success? What do YOU think?
I really need to put labels on all these skeins. And this was just one basket!
Lots of white yarn, but no alpaca as best I could tell.
At last, I prevailed.
I raveled a few more rows than I had hoped, but unless someone holds it up and measures, no-one should notice that one side is a few rows shorter.
Lesson #2 - Save some yarn from each project for repairs. Don't knit up every last inch.
I'm loving the 'just one basket' of yarn. I have lots of those (except they're in boxes). Lovely stash.
Very excited about the sweater coming together, it looks really good so far.
Is the sweater done yet? I have been very lazy about knitting lately. I'm thinking I'm feeling the 'end of the year crunch time' and I only teach kindergarten! How I long for summer...sitting and knitting/spinning. My friend is digging out her wheel, it only cost me a hank of Cherry Tree Hill and One (?) sock yarn. It's almost like Christmas, I'm on the edge of my seat :)
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