Monday, April 7, 2008


Girl of the House had big happenings today.

Her braces were applied.

Here she is before leaving for school.

Here she is after her day at the orthodontist.

The rubber bands are her favorite color - teal. Isn't it cool they get to pick their bands?

In knitting news: while Osterdalen was blocking, I returned to Rogue.

After a few puzzled moments, trying to figure out where I was in the pattern, I reached the beginning of the sleeve cap.

One more lesson learned - if you aren't going to knit on a project for a month, leave yourself notes!

Big dog Paris has been having difficulties with maintaining ownership of his bed on the new flooring. Everyone wants a soft spot. At one point little dog Chip and calico girl Georgie were sharing with him. (Chip would prefer to play with me, rather than staying where he was for the picture.)


Lisa said...

Rogue is looking good. I have a similar tank sweater in my sleeping pile that I have the front shoulder to finish and for the life of me I can't figure it out. I'm thinking if it rests longer, it will finish itself!

Lesson learned.

Love the braces.

coleen~ said...

my love to Claire.....i liked having braces but they sometimes hurt a bit.....