Ben was home from college this past weekend.
He brought someone for us to meet.
Here's Becky!
She passed all the tests: Homemade pizza eating, movie watching, being human furniture for the pets (both cats sat upon her - quite unusual), card game playing, and most of all - geocaching when it's 40 degrees and sleeting out! YAY Becky!
I managed some sewing this weekend.
Five more box bags.
I had to send for more zippers from ebay. Love that ebay - 100 random zippers for $10. Makes these little bags so much more affordable!
Not much knitting lately.
I have begun working on the collar for Osterdalen, finally.
Rogue has a few more rows. (After I ripped out the biased hemming)
Little dog didn't want Girl of the House to leave for school this morning.
Love the cute little bags. Are they gifts or for sale?
I've found the sewing room quite the distraction from knitting as well. You just gotta change things up occasionally.
BTW, I'm taking the beginning spinning class. I was too cowardly to attempt the more advanced spinning classes before trying out the spinning wheel. Maybe we'll be stationed near each other so I can peek at what your class is doing. Should we hook up for lunch?
I found your blog while looking for help making box bags. I use the same tutorial you do, and I am also in love with box bags. Thanks for the corner simplification. I want short, fat bags, and keep getting long ones! Could you PLEASE tell me the dimensions of your shorter, wider ones? I also love the zipper grab bags from eBay!
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