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The 20th of April in southern Minnesota.

Ice on the lakes.

Spring wildflowers.
The ice, floating on the waves, tinkled like wind chimes.
We were up early this morning. According to the weather service, it was going to be a rainy day.
We were out before the rain began. We did two geocaches, then returned home and settled in as the rain began.

After being out in the cool overcast morn, we had a big brunch. Most Sundays at home, we have eggs benedict and Bloody Marys for brunch. Paul makes the BEST fried potatoes!
Today was another success.

Contributing to the success - the eggs I get from a coworker. Home grown, free range eggs - at a price lower than storebought!
Paul worked on more flooring finishing. He's to the point where it really is a one-person job.

I blocked Osterdalen.
After it's dry, I'll cut out the neckline, seam the shoulders, and sew in the sleeves.
I've got a pile of knit goods that need repairs. Might as well begin with this one. Handspun alpaca seaman's scarf. When I went to wear it the other day, I noticed this icky bit at the castoff. I don't know what happened, but obviously it needs repair.
Should be a fairly simple quick fix, don't you think?

Nope! More raveling was needed than I expected. And the alpaca was sticky and difficult to ravel.
About this point, after many heavy sighs, I changed my drink from a bottle of water to a beer. (It's five o'clock SOMEWHERE!)

Because I raveled more than I expected, I went searching for some leftover yarn.
Did I have success? What do YOU think?
I really need to put labels on all these skeins. And this was just one basket!
Lots of white yarn, but no alpaca as best I could tell.
At last, I prevailed.
I raveled a few more rows than I had hoped, but unless someone holds it up and measures, no-one should notice that one side is a few rows shorter.
Lesson #2 - Save some yarn from each project for repairs. Don't knit up every last inch.

I picked Osterdalen out of its basket a few nights ago.
Only 13 more rows, and I'm done to the shoulders!
Then, the STEEKING shall commence.
Paul worked on some of the finishing of the new flooring today, while I did minor household chores. Girl of the House was in town with her buddies.

After deciding that enough work had been accomplished, Paul and I set out to make a new cache.
Here, he's taking the GPS readings for the cache.
Can you see the cache? It's in plain sight.
Look straight up the trunk of the tree, then off to the right. There is a branch dangling. The cache is in that branch - it's a film canister inserted inside. Paul drilled out the inside of the branch for the film canister. The branch had a smaller branch attached, and so it hangs off one of the real branches. Unless you knew it was there, you'd never notice.
Cool, eh?
Did anyone else see the Soft Linen Banana Cozy in the Classic Elite Yarns Webletter that came today, April 1? Yes, it's a cozy for the banana you may want to carry with you. Prevents bruising and helps ripen it faster!
They linked the pattern to Ravelry - Soft Linen Banana Cozy.
Even if this isn't an April Fools joke, is this the best color they could crochet this in. I mean, really, this is almost obscene...
Is this an April fools' joke?
School is two hours late this morning.
With my nice new job, I can wait with the Girl for the bus. Yay!