Did you freeze last night? It went down to 28 degrees at our little country house. I managed to cover up my flowers, hopefully they will stay alive for the warm-up they promise us will come.
I finished one sock for the Girl of the House. I used one half of the small ball of yellow/orange yarn, and then picked up with the blue/green/purple yarn. I knitted til I reached the end of the ball.
Yes, it's definitely a sock only an eleven year old could love.
I find the transition between the two colors too harsh, but she likes it quite a bit.
I managed to ply up the camping spindled yarn. Approx. 175 yards of coppery goodness. I hope I'll finish up the last of the fiber this year on more camping trips. We have two, possibly three more trips planned this fall.
In other news, it was my birthday this week.
GotH baked me cookies - macadamia nut/chocolate chip. Much better than a cake, if you ask me! She's a great baker.
I'm on call this weekend. So far I've been in to work for a postpartum tubal ligation, and to repair the finger that a young man caught in his garage door. (Must be quite the surprise when you know you squashed your finger, go to get it out of the door, and there is only bone sticking out of the squashed end...)
Use it up, make it do, do without . . . Okay, I don't usually do without but a clever use of leftovers, there.
hi tonyia~
i live in IOWA CITY, just south of Luther College!! altho i went to UNI years ago, your son picked a great school!! i'm going thru and read sites i've saved and wondered where you got the 'unfinished projects' graph. i would like to add it to my blog if possible...i haven't been able to find it anywhere. thanks and have a great fall season!
linda of lbquilts@mchsi.com
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