Wednesday, July 18, 2007

working late...

Monday night, I was on call for the OR. They called at 9:15 - a C-section to do ASAP. I went in, was setting up for the section, and there was another call. We need to do an appendectomy, too! Looks like a long night...

Home by 3:30 a.m. I did have Tuesday off, but I was a bit foggy throughout the day.

Paul left me a note when he went to work. "Look at the pictures in the camera."

An early morning turkey, just finished with breakfast under one of our birdfeeders.

I checked my e-mail, and Lorraine nominated me for Rockin' Girl Blogger! What an honor! Mostly I think I blog to help me clarify and document my life. It's a REAL treat to think that people actually read what I write. Thank you, Lorraine. I enjoy your blog Of Faith & Fiber, a great deal - I wish I could nominate you in return! I'll have to post later this week with my nominations. (this may require some thought!)

Halfway brain-dead, (I REALLY don't tolerate that middle of the night stuff as well as I did when I was younger.) I attempted to do something useful while the Girl of the House was at the pool.

My basement craft room (studio?) has a nice big table Paul made for me. I use it for cutting out sewing goods, and for blocking out my knitting. It has gingham fabric on top, so it really keeps things lined up well.

As you can see, it is also very useful for setting stuff down that needs to be put away!

I had leftover yarn from finished projects, tons of knitting, spinning, weaving magazines, tons of (printed off the internet) patterns (REALLY, TONS!!!), fabric for future projects, and other odd assorted stuff. I got all the random stuff put away, and now the magazines and patterns are in neat piles on top of the table. How long before I finish that? Tonight, I hope...

Then - I can block that Paisley Lace Shawl!

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