Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Look! A Squirrel! (no, I guess it's another mitten)

At work, they say I'm easily distracted.  I chase squirrels a lot. You know, squirrels, the odd problems that pop up in a project when you aren't expecting any issues? 

I guess I'm doing that again.

Couldn't resist the mystery knit along in the Ravelry 'I Make Mittens' group.

I already had all the yarns.
(No additional cost.)

They have hearts on them.
(I love hearts.)

I'm on a mitten jag.
(Mitten pair #9.)

I just can't help chasing this squirrel.

Actually, all the squirrels I chase make me the office puzzle  solver.  It's an actual talent.  
Trust me, it really is!

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