Sunday, March 14, 2010

Silent Auction

Every year, we have a silent auction at my hospital to benefit the local food shelf.  Last year I got a really sweet deal on a years worth of free range organic eggs, delivered right to my desk once a week.  Awesome.

I usually contribute a baby sweater.

This year, I've got a couple of different items.

A little pair of tiger baby socks.

A pair of Hippocampus mittens (my third pair - these are so much fun!)

In other news, spring has finally arrived in Northfield!  We still have piles of snow in the yard, but it reached 55 degrees today.

Paul joined me for a run, then we sat on the deck for our cool down.  Yup, he's wearing shorts on the 14th of March!  It's spring, I say, SPRING!


coleen~ said...

Man of the House's legs are as white as mine!

Rani said...

Seriously, where have I been? Look at all this lovely knittingness that I've missed!!