Friday, October 15, 2010

The turkeys are bulking up

 The wild turkeys, that is.

We've developed quite the little crowd of turkeys that come up and eat under our bird feeders.

It's almost a shame that no one here is a turkey hunter. 

Summer knitting again.

Generic socks from Trekking yarn.

I can't resist rainbow yarn.


Guinifer said...

I love the flocks of turkeys...

coleen~ said...

Our friend in Garretson had one or two and they were MEAN! Are yours?

Rani said...

I have yet to see a pair with Trekking that I haven't liked.

ps. A teacher here is a big turkey hunter and is skunked every time he goes. I have a lot of fun sending him pics from my phone of turkeys on the front lawn, on the driveway, etc. etc. I sometimes wonder what would happen (achem, how they'd taste) if the dog 'accidently' caught one.