We're making a crockpot full of caramelized onions.
They've been cooking since last evening and smell delicious, even though that's not the smell to which we typically wake up!
We slivered up five pounds of onions, and they should caramelize down to two or three cups. We can freeze them in small batches and use for adding to a quick supper.
Sunday we made
We still have remaining tomatoes. 14 pounds!
Perhaps we'll try some sun drying?
Girl of the House, not to be left out, made some delicious pumpkin bars.
What a treat they were after a day of chopping, simmering and canning!
My sister dehydrates the tomatoes for dry storage. Good for putting into soups, etc. Jealous of all of the tomatoes. We had one windy storm & it blew over our plants. They never really recovered.
I'm not huge on the heat canning, but I am looking for a dehydrator for my excess produce.
WOW - I thought I was good for using up ripe bananas in muffins today. What a bountiful harvest!
I had a miserable tomato year. sigh.
Who was the braveheart who chopped up all the onions!? Carmelized onions sound D.E.L.I.C.I.O.U.S.!!
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