Finished on Saturday, January 27th. I used 7 hanks of the Tahki tweed. It fits looser than I intended. I did want it to wear as an outdoor sweater, but I made it for the size I was last year, I guess...
I enjoyed knitting it, and would consider making another, more fitted version.
I've been wearing it quite a bit this week. It's been quite cold in MN - a high of -4F today!
I immediately cast on for this Dale of Norway hat. Finished it Sunday evening, Feb 4. I wanted an earflap hat for our outdoor walks. Claire is a much better model than I. The pattern is from the Nagano olympic sweater pattern.
I joined the Dale of Norway knitalong group on yahoo, and wanted to swatch with Brown Sheep Naturespun Worsted wt as a substitute for the Heilo. I like knitting with the Heilo, but I'm looking for a cornflower blue, unavailable in Heilo. Turns out this (butterfly blue) isn't quite the color, either. It's a bit too purple. The fabric and stitches per inch is what I'm looking for, though. Now, to narrow down the color choice!